Participación de pobladores en organizaciones de barrio


  • Francisco Sabatini


Palabras clave:

movimientos sociales, participación ciudadana, política urbana


The author discusses preliminary outcomes o fan ongoing research in participation of Í€œpobladoresÍ€ (inhabitants of working class settlements) in Í€œbarrioÍ€ organizations. This research is a case study of a working class settlement in Santiago, Chile, originated in 1972 through a land seizure. Even though these Í€œpobladoresÍ€ have a long tradition of labor union activity and of social movilization at the Í€œbarrioÍ€ level, only a small proportion of them has joined the Í€œbarrioÍ€ organizations born later on. This case study attempts to show some of the Í€œsubjectiveÍ€ difficulties linked to beliefs and motives that one could expect to arise in this kind of settlements even when the objective conditions seem to be favorable to stimulate participation. The main hypothesis is, precisely, that participation in Í€œbarrioÍ€ organizations is hindered by several factors, mainly beliefs and motives that tend to neutralize impulses to participation stemming from critical consciousness and economic and social insecurity. The preliminary outcomes of the study confirm the hypothesis, going to the identification of the most important factors which inhibit participation.



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Cómo citar

Sabatini, F. (1989). Participación de pobladores en organizaciones de barrio. Revista EURE - Revista De Estudios Urbano Regionales, 15(46).