La política de ordenación del territorio en Venezuela


  • Luis Zambrano Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello


Palabras clave:

desarrollo territorial, ordenamiento territorial, planificación regional, política regional


The article starts with a description of policy, based in brad technical and political concepts concerted to different national and regional levels compatibles with global and sectorial strategies formulated for the period. Then the author mentions some elements of Venezuela policy which are important on determining the territorial framework, as for example the petroleum exploitation and the occupation of the space, which is basically the model of urban expansion. He discusses the real possibilities of changing the existent locational pattern and of localizing people in vacant spaces, specially in Caracas and in the Valencia lake vasin. In a third part, he makes an interesting analysis of the fundamentals aspects of the national policy of territorial planning. He underlines the so called Í€œpriority areas of developmentÍ€, which consists of urban and industrial agglomerations capables of equalizing the actual concentrations in the capital and in the Puerto Cabello-La Guaira corridor. He discuses the regionalization of the administrative apparatus and the spreading of the tertiary sector of the economy, with the aim of creating Í€œregional metropolisÍ€ in the next twenty years.


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Cómo citar

Zambrano, L. (1986). La política de ordenación del territorio en Venezuela. Revista EURE - Revista De Estudios Urbano Regionales, 13(37).


